Friday, August 8, 2008


Someone knocked at the door,

4m inside i asked who it is???

A soft voice said "An oppurtunity indeed!!!"

In my slumber, dreaming of future,

I hold back my position, like a motionless picture.

It kept waiting on the door for a while,

in hope i'll come nd welcome it wid smile.

But i was too busy in worldly affairs,

love , relation, truth ,dare are few to take care.

Broken dreams opened my eyes,

found myself lonely in world so wide.

Opened my doors nd searched for oppurtunity,

by the time it had moved to another entity.

Siting at way nd waiting eagerly for it to come,

but people say opurtunity knock at your door only once...

1 comment:

sunil said...

Short but interesting. Please keep writing. You may like my friends blogs. i like her posts too.