Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sometimes to find your love,
I felt I had to look.
no one knows the strength it took.
My love for you has always shown,
althoughat times I felt I shared it alone.
We had our nights we had our days,
"I love you" was said in many ways.
Then quietly your secret was told,
everythingyou had done began to unfold.
Through all the hurt, through all the pain,
my love for you still remains.
Yes, I told you we had to part,
for that was time to heal my heart . . .

Friday, August 8, 2008


Someone knocked at the door,

4m inside i asked who it is???

A soft voice said "An oppurtunity indeed!!!"

In my slumber, dreaming of future,

I hold back my position, like a motionless picture.

It kept waiting on the door for a while,

in hope i'll come nd welcome it wid smile.

But i was too busy in worldly affairs,

love , relation, truth ,dare are few to take care.

Broken dreams opened my eyes,

found myself lonely in world so wide.

Opened my doors nd searched for oppurtunity,

by the time it had moved to another entity.

Siting at way nd waiting eagerly for it to come,

but people say opurtunity knock at your door only once...

Let that smile peep into silence,
see your tears dancing wid njoyment.
Let that mirror blabbering nd wavering,
laugh at yourself wid all might u having.
Play on roof wen its raining,
be a child giggling nd laughing.
Give the wings to your spirit,
more nd more heights, so it can get it.
Some of your dream may not come true,
but dat courage will let you through.
njoy everyday as its going to be last,
try for future, live in presnt,nd forget the past.
Love yourself more than anything,
it will make life worth living!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008


may be pace seems slow,
may be success come to u, wid another blow ;
may be failure seems sure,
may be fighting the battle be cure ;
Success nd failure are coin's two layout,
wid, success is failure turned inside out ;
Don't give up at any cost ,
may be u vanish , may be you are lost ;
fight till the end ,
not the moon , atleast u have stars to land...
wid luv

Thursday, July 24, 2008

4M SKY TO U!!!

May be i m not around u
May be u can't find me dere
but wenever u look above
at those distant skies
u'll find a star shining too bright
Just about to bring to light,
some of the best moments of ur life....
For ur every wish to come true
it will break into parts nd come to u!!!
Will be wid u in agony nd peace,
Guiding ur ways
to thetoughest of all streets!!!
Dats none but me, twinkling in hue
sending my endless love nd care
4m sky to u!!!
with luvgeetika...