Friday, July 25, 2008


may be pace seems slow,
may be success come to u, wid another blow ;
may be failure seems sure,
may be fighting the battle be cure ;
Success nd failure are coin's two layout,
wid, success is failure turned inside out ;
Don't give up at any cost ,
may be u vanish , may be you are lost ;
fight till the end ,
not the moon , atleast u have stars to land...
wid luv

Thursday, July 24, 2008

4M SKY TO U!!!

May be i m not around u
May be u can't find me dere
but wenever u look above
at those distant skies
u'll find a star shining too bright
Just about to bring to light,
some of the best moments of ur life....
For ur every wish to come true
it will break into parts nd come to u!!!
Will be wid u in agony nd peace,
Guiding ur ways
to thetoughest of all streets!!!
Dats none but me, twinkling in hue
sending my endless love nd care
4m sky to u!!!
with luvgeetika...